She Is Unstoppable

She’s Making HerStory.


She’s Making HerStory.

More Women In STEM

Women make up nearly half of the American workforce, but represent less than a quarter of all executive and technical positions. As a society, we can’t afford to sit back and watch how this trend unfolds. We need more women in STEM.

Bugle was incredibly humbled to help lead our client’s creative this March for their Women’s herstory month and the launch of their new diversity and women in tech recruiting campaign.

Booz Allen Unstoppable Women's HerStory Campaign iPad email over yellow

Women make up nearly half of the American workforce, but represent less than a quarter of all executive and technical positions. As a society, we can’t afford to sit back and watch how this trend unfolds. We need more women in STEM.

Bugle was incredibly humbled to help lead our client’s creative this March for their Women’s herstory month and the launch of their new diversity and women in tech recruiting campaign.

Women HerStory Campaign Example 1 over yellow
Women HerStory Campaign Example 2 over purple

An Unstoppable Campaign

From the start, we knew we needed an idea that could both cut through the noise and distinguish our messaging while amplifying the wider efforts of industry to attract more women to technology. Triumphant, passionate, and confident, Unstoppable is a testament to the trailblazers and a celebration to women who have continually and emphatically rebounded questions about their ability, character, and fortitude. It acknowledges the unfortunate truth that women everywhere still have to work harder than men to receive the same level of recognition for their achievements, while contrasting our client’s workforce as empowered to traverse a different path and realize their missions, dreams and aspirations in spite of the ongoing struggle for gender parity both in and out of the workplace.

Playing off this tension, we used a powerful and inclusive call and response storytelling device to reverse hasty, biased impressions with a wry smile and experienced wink. Applying this technique to both professional and personal situations showcased the diverse range of challenges, opportunities, and missions available to those who choose to change the world.

This campaign goes beyond the history of women who challenged how things were done, and celebrates herstory.

A Chance to Dream Big

To activate the campaign, Bugle developed the Unstoppable Women series with original photography and three narrative styles. The series captured the challenges and resolve of the subjects—from seeing the connection in global defense policy to returning to work after raising a family—and pressed viewers to consider what it would be like to work with these extraordinary women.

We coupled these narratives with an email series that ran throughout March to amplify other client initiatives for Women’s History month with calls to action for employees to share the stories and refer their cleared, technical network to the firm.

Women Herstory Campaign Example 3 over red
Campaign Example 4: Composite image of women smiling over blue background

Bring Your Best

During this historic year for Women’s Rights—August marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment—the Unstoppable campaign demonstrated the client’s commitment to gender equality, and inspired the next generation of trailblazing women and directly connect cleared female candidates with technical skills to new career opportunities, adding nearly 700 new members to their Women in Tech Talent Community, and opening new career doors for 46 female candidates.

But can they change the world? Yes they can. And they already have. Because they are unstoppable.

Average Open Rate
Tech Talent Community Enrollment
New STEM Referrals

This could be the beginning of something great.

Drop us a line → or call +1 (202) 986-1565