Whatever. Whenever. Wherever.
Dalo Shipping is always there.
Dalo Shipping is always there.
A Straightforward Brand
Dalo Shipping is one of the largest freight forwarders operating in the United States. Its automotive, ocean freight, and ground transportation services routinely haul more than 1,500 vehicles and other commodities around the world each month. But you might not know it.
Because in a crowded industry of global carriers and boutique transporters, it can be hard for a young shipping company to stand out. Just think about it: As a customer, how do you choose between brands with near identical services for something you almost never think about until you need it?

Positioned for Global Reach
Our challenge was to deliver an unforgettable brand and digital expression that would position the client as a valet shipping company with global reach, drive business leads from the site, and accelerate growth into new service areas.
During our research, we discovered the uniform industry of manifests and cold containers was at odds with Dalo Shipping’s service experience. Where most companies compete over supply chains, shipping lanes, and tracking technology, we seized the opportunity to humanize logistics and own the deeper connection of personal trust.
Our brand and identity platforms elevated the personal promise of a dependable shipping partner that is always there for its customers, whether on the end of a phone, or on the other side of the world.
I can’t stop thinking and picturing what you and your team did to our brand. Its so awesome. The logo, the tone, the images, everything is so well done and so thoughtful.
― COO, Dalo Shipping
Bugle Delivered the Goods
Bugle then designed and delivered a refreshed daloshipping.com as the definitive digital expression that empowers new and existing customers to track and order any of Dalo Shipping’s expanding services and capabilities.
Our choice of industrial and scenic photography, coupled with short, reliable copy creates a sense of open commerce and dependable movement customers should expect from a valet shipping company. While the sites zippy performance and intuitive quote features delivers the practical functionality of a straightforward freight forwarder.
Whatever you need.
Whenever you need it.
Wherever you need it to go.
You can count on Dalo Shipping to get it there.